And here's the specific challenge: Using a stamped image (ink or digi), use black on white, and just add a touch of color somewhere. I'm going with the "less is more" theory on this one!
Today a Relay for Life team sponsored a crop/card making event. So my daughter and I went and spent the day with a dozen ladies scrapbooking and making cards. My daughter did some catching up on scrapbooking and I caught up on making some cards, including the one for this challenge.
I used the CTMH "Delightful Things" acrylix stamp set for the corner design stamped in black ink and then dabbed with blush ink and the florish across the bottom of the card stamped in blush ink. The CTMH "Angel Sent" stamp set for the angel and the saying using blush ink. I then put this on a piece of blush and white checked paper from my stash. This card is finished, but I may decide to put flowers down the side of the card or some ribbon on it somewhere, depending on who I send this one to. 
Thanks for looking at the card that I made today.
Very pretty Rebecca :D